Technology never stands still. We enable your technology-focused business to adopt
Backlog Overload
Shifting priorities? Not enough time? Need expertise? stack.io can augment your team and take care of those projects you need to get you back on track.
DevOps Wishlist
Let us turn “I wish” into “I have that”. Say goodbye to deployment nightmares and let stack.io bring your dreams of shiny, modern, updated tech to a reality.
Tame My Dinosaur
Tired of the tools of yesteryear? Leap into the present by modernizing your stack and deployment processes with tools and solutions that don’t bite.
“Having our developers focussed on product innovation versus back-end infrastructure just makes sense.”
More Than Just Support
We are your partner and we aim to act as a seamless extension of your team. We don’t hide behind support tickets, we’re right there with you in a shared Slack channel to answer your questions, provide our recommendations, and of course - execute on your projects.
With stack.io, you’re hiring a team. Each and every project gets input from multiple perspectives to ensure that we’re delivering the best solution to meet your needs.
Maintenance & Modernization
As technology never stands still, we continuously discover and research the best solutions that could benefit your setup. By keeping up-to-date and staying on trend, we can help you avoid the big costs (time, effort, money) that are associated with big changes.
We can also help to proactively maintain your setup. Let us take care of looking out for the latest updates, upgrades, and security patches so that you can focus on developing your product.
Hiring Is Hard
Hiring good people, in general, is hard; hiring good developers is harder; hiring good DevOps experts is the hardest. Why? For one, hiring for DevOps is more than filling one narrow role – to take on such a complex task for an organization requires great people.
We’re proud to have put together an elite team. With stack.io, you can augment or extend your current team only when your business needs require it.