Looking to modernize your databases?
At stack.io we can:
Migrate databases between cloud providers and set up live replication between environments.
Automate management of basic database functionality such as patching, backups, and more.
Ensure your database is backed up and has a disaster recovery strategy.
Tune performance of DBs to ensure high speed and performance.
Set up database networking, access controls, and permissions.
Help you to migrate an on premise DB to a public cloud provider (AWS, Azure, etc.).
Help you stay up to date with newer versions that bring new features, efficiencies and potential cost-savings.

DevOps Maturity
Where does your setup fit on our DevOps maturity scale?
+ Poor
We use text files as a database.
We don’t have backups, or no one knows if the backups are working.
We use a specific version of a database which is already deprecated.
We are paying for (or using) more databases than is required.
Our database keeps running out of disk space.
+ Fair
We use a proper database to store our data, but it doesn’t always keep up with our application usage.
Our backups sometimes fail to complete and can take hours to fix.
+ Good
We run our own databases and it works fine, but have trouble with scaling the database resource and disk usage to meet business demands.
We have reliable database backups and recovery plans in place.
+ Great
We run our own databases; they are tuned for our needs, and we are comfortable with database upgrades.
We run managed databases from a cloud provider and we are comfortable performing changes on them.
Our databases are highly available and will automatically recover in the event of a cloud provider outage or hardware failure.
We have reliable database backups, and can perform point-in-time recovery of data if necessary.